Termite Inspections

Termites are the most destructive insect pests of wood in the United States. They cause more than $2 billion in property damage each year. That’s more damage than fire and windstorm damage combined. Because subterranean termites are very common in Central Texas, termite inspections are an important component of the home buying process. We can provide termite inspections and reports only with a home inspection.

About Termites

In nature, subterranean termites are beneficial because they break down cellulose (wood materials) into soil. Termites only become a problem when they cause damage to structures. Since they can be very elusive they often go undetected. A properly trained and licensed inspector understands their behavioral patterns and conditions that are conducive for infestations.

About Termite Inspections

In the state of Texas an inspector must be licensed by Structural Pest Control Services (Texas Department of Agriculture) in order to inspect for and identify termites and other wood destroying insects (WDI). A Wood Destroying Insect Report (Form No. SPCS/T-4), commonly known as a termite report, is the state regulated form that is used for WDI inspections. This report identifies any previous or active wood destroying insect infestations. It also points out any conditions that are considered conducive for infestations. Although during our structural/mechanical home inspections we are always looking for termite activity and damage, a separate WDI/termite report should be considered.